Chlorella: Protecting Your Health for Pennies a Day
Do you have poor wound healing?
Worried about mercury in your tuna fish?
Have high blood pressure?
Have diabetes or hypoglycemia?
Want to lower your cholesterol?
Fighting cancer or hepatitis?
Quick — name one all natural and low cost food supplement that has been documented to help with all of these conditions.
The answer is: chlorella.
What makes this single cell green algae so special? For one thing it is the plant that is highest in chlorophyll, which is known to be a blood purifier and liver detoxifier. For another chlorella contains Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF), a substance that has been shown to promote the healing of tissues throughout the body and boost the immune system.
Like it or not we live in a toxic world. Every day our bodies are subjected to pollution in our air, water and food. What can we do to eliminate these toxins from our bodies and improve our health? Let's look at how our bodies eliminate toxins.
Our bodies have a number of ways of isolating and removing waste and harmful substances. Our liver is the hardest working organ we have to identify, isolate and neutralize harmful substances. Once the liver has processed anything harmful, it is passed via the bloodstream through to our lungs, kidneys, bowels, or skin to be eliminated.
Numerous studies conducted since the 1950's have shown the protective effect algaes can have on the liver and other elimination systems. From reducing cholesterol, normalizing blood sugar, binding to heavy metals, promoting wound repair, regulating blood pressure, and stimulating the production of interferon which stimulates the immune system, no other single supplement does as much to detoxify our bodies and help them resist the harmful effects of toxins in the environment. The limited space in this article precludes listing all the research studies done on this amazing plant. For more information I encourage you to Google chlorella and you will find a plethora of information on the many ways this inexpensive, nutrient dense supplement can improve your health.
Remember, health is wealth, invest in yours today!
© 2006 Larry Forsberg. All rights reserved.
Articles posted on this Web site are for personal use only and remain the property of Larry Forsberg, L.Ac.
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