Swine Flu: Don't Worry, Be Careful
Lately the news has been full of one horror story after another. If it isn't the economy in collapse, then it's the impending global pandemic. And while I am not qualified to offer economic advice, I do want to assure you that your chances of getting swine flu are a lot less than outliving your 401K. Let's start with the facts.
As of this writing, "swine flu" (or as the pig lobby would prefer us to call it "H1N1 influenza") has only been confirmed in a relatively small number of Americans.
We have a long way to go to even get close to the number of Americans who come down with or die from other strains of flu virus that circulate each year.
The good news is that H1N1 can be prevented and controlled with the same common sense practices that prevent and control all other airborne flu viruses. Let's start with washing our hands and covering our mouths when we cough. As a courtesy to those around us it's the least, as well as the most important thing, we can do.
Perhaps carrying hand sanitizer and tissue to share with those around us would be a public service we could try as well. It may also be too soon to recommend we all start wearing surgical masks but it's always smart to practice the common sense approaches to staying healthy—such as getting sufficient rest, eating a nutritious, well–balanced diet and drinking plenty of water.
And it's okay (unless you are an observant Muslim or jew) to eat pork. The virus is not spread in the meat—unless somebody has sneezed on it.
Above and beyond that there are a number of herbal remedies that can benefit the immune system. My personal favorite is a Chinese herbal formula called Gan Mao Ling. These inexpensive tablets are easy to take and can be used preventatively as well as to treat a viral illness once it's symptoms are felt.
Another product is elderberry syrup, which in a recent study was found to be more effective than Tamiflu in treating the flu. Acupuncture has also been documented to boost the immune system and promote wellness.
And finally, let's all relax. Stress is a major factor in weakening the immune system. Worrying about H1N1 will only make things worse. The practical thing is to take good care of yourself and your loved ones and remember that health is wealth. So invest in yours today.
© 2009 Larry Forsberg. All rights reserved.
Articles posted on this Web site are for personal use only and remain the property of Larry Forsberg, L.Ac.
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